If you're an Outlook user you may be aware that you can set rule to handle emails. It's not just Microsoft's Outlook, Mac Mail and others will do it too.
Here's a topical and handy one.

It's not just useful for removing all of the unbeatable offers from retailers trying to dump old stock but equally handy to help you organise your inbox and make it more manageable.
For example the subject might contain encoding for a project and email can automatically be filed there. You may want to file emails from certain people or split them into work and personal.
Rules can be useful and powerful - they can also cause a confusion so make sure that you test them by running them on existing messages and remember the order in which they are run can make a significant difference to the outcome. Watch out, rules can hang around for a long time too - a little while ago I was apparently being offered loads of sex locally - those went to Junk too.

Test your rules and change the order (highest priority first) by moving them up and down. Undo changes and try again, if necessary.

There is plenty of further information available and rules are available for other email clients and systems so it's not just Microsoft's Outlook.
Apple's Mail program: Use rules to manage emails you receive in Mail on Mac – Apple Support (UK)